Czech yeast buns

Czech yeast buns have a long history. The beginnings of their production back to the 17th century. They were eaten only smeared with butter but today we know them with all sorts of fillings. These classic buns are associated more with grandmothers, but they also experiencing a renaissance in the context of a return to traditional foods.

24 buns, preparation time 20 minutes, rising of the dough 1 hour, baking 30 minutes


  • 500 g plain flour
  • 20 g yeast
  • 120 g of sugar grit
  • 20 g of vanilla sugar
  • 2.5 dl milk
  • 60 g butter
  • 1 egg + 1 egg yolk
  • pinch of salt
  • lard or butter to smear the cake tin and the buns

Preparation process:

Sift the flour into a large bowl, make a dent in it, crumble the yeast into it, add a teaspoon of sugar, pour a little warm milk, cover with towel and let come leaven. Tot finished sourdough add the rest of the warm milk with melted butter, egg yolk, salt and prepare a smooth dough that does not stick to the bowl. Sprinkle it with flour, cover with towel and let rise for at least an hour, during the rising mix the dough two times.

Out of leavened dough, roll out a snake, cut into individual pieces that fill the fillings (see below) and tightly closed. Place them to a pan greased with lard or butter. Each bun also grease on all sides to prevent them sticking together. Bake at 170 ° C until golden brown (25-30 minutes). Still warm buns spread with melted butter mixed with rum. Let cool and sprinkle with sugar.

Filling to the Czech buns

Cheese filling

  • 250 g cheese
  • 1 tablespoon raisins
  • 1 egg yolk
  • sugar and vanilla sugar to taste
  • lemon peel and juice
  • rum

Mix cottage cheese with raisins, egg yolk, both sugars, lemon peel and drizzle a little bit with lemon juice and rum.

Poppy seed filling

  • about 3 dl milk
  • about 60 g of sugar
  • hammering cloves
  • ground cinnamon
  • 150 g ground poppy seeds
  • rum

Boil the milk with sugar and spices, pour the poppy, season with rum and remove it. Let it cool.

Plum jam filling

  • 250 g plum jam
  • hammering cloves
  • ground cinnamon
  • rum

Mix the jam with spices and flavour with rum.

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